Saturday, November 19, 2011

Pop Dancer Radio Online

Pop Dancer Radio is broadcasting 80s, 90s, pop, trance and dance music streaming live from Germany.

For more information about Pop Dancer Radio, please visit their website at

More list of Germany internet radio stations online.


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Internet Radio Audio Streaming Software

If you are facing trouble listening to the live internet radio or hearing the audio. There is likely to be a simple solution to the problem. The most common problem is that your computer doesn't have the correct audio broadcasting software installed. Here are the audio streaming software you need to install and the software is free to instal.

 install the live radio plug-ins softwareAdobe Flash Player
you need to install the realplayer software to listen to the audio streaming radioRealPlayer
winamp software is one of the internet radio stations software you need mostWinAmp
windows media player need to install in oredr to listen to the online radio stationsWindows Media Player

octoshape plugin for some of Malaysian radio that broadcasting on the netOctoshape Plugin